About the column

This weekly column explores death, mostly the death of humans but there will also be interviews with veterinarians and taxidermists. But mostly human death. Every second, two humans on this planet die, so there’s a lot of material here.

Interviews with experts are a great way to sort through this material, experts like rabbis, priests and imams, like grief counselors and near-death experiencers, like coroners and pathologists, like murderers and monks. There will also be analysis of scientific research papers and summarized thoughts on the subject by people who are no longer living and thus difficult to interview.

About the author

Michael Caleb Lester is a veteran journalist — a scriptwriter for TV shows (Over Easy, PM/Evening Magazine) and books, but mostly magazines. He was on the editorial staffs of Saturday Review, New West, San Francisco, Golden State and other fine publications. His articles have appeared in Esquire, Family Circle, Los Angeles Times, Women’s Day and magazines. He lives in a Victorian farmhouse about an hour north of San Francisco.

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Where we go when we're gone, what we may become when we are no more.
